ドキュメンタリー映画『フリーダ・カーロの遺品 - 石内都、織るように』公式サイトです。
an official website of a documentary film "The Legacy of FRIDA KAHLO".
Our specific point for web design : This film focuses on a photographer, Ishiuchi who is about to take photos of relics of Frida Kahlo. To make this film be welcomed by all age people, we cherished Historical impression and make them…
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an official website of a film "SOUL FLOWER TRAIN".
Our specific point for web design : This film is based on a Japanese comic book. We respect and make it more fun to read the content by parallel sliding. Also we didn't make this site for responsive device because of the past time at least over…
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映画『あえかなる部屋 内藤礼と、光たち』公式サイトです。
an official website of a documentary film "A Room of Her Own : Rei Naito and Light".
Our specific point for web design : This film focuses on an artist, Rei Naito who is pursuing the mystery of existence. To feel this film's world in this website, we put artistic pictures of Teshima Artmuseum which he…
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an official website of a film "Night, Because".
Our specific point for web design : This film is about a life, meaning of something, fate and it comes with the moment at night. We tried to make the audiences feel more empty of heart to figure something out which gives us an answer for our life.
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Stage "JYUKAIDEN KINGS" we worked on web, poster.
Our specific point :
Rusty little world, that is the stage of this story. We tried to put those sense of color, texture like iron chain.
Client Name: Happyhappydreaming
Services Provided
* Web Design
* Web Development
* Graphic Design
* Adjusting for print
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